Check out the latest press coverage and my conversations, interviews and presentations about my book, The Full Spirit Workout: A Ten-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun and Fulfilling Life.
Kate Eckman is the Author of The Full Spirit Workout. Our conversation begins with her experience as an Academic All-American at Penn State University.
“When we allow our self-worth to be defined by people and sources outside ourselves, we can never have enough or be enough,” says Kate, speaking from experience. “Imagine a life that isn’t about how to ‘get this’ or ‘do that,’ but instead about being the person who naturally attracts all that your heart desires. You just have to believe how powerful you are! Increased performance and resilience, more meaningful relationships, newfound confidence and well-being, true fulfillment, and fun are available to you when you get your spirit in shape.”